Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Second Appointment - 8 Weeks

After our first appointment somehow Jordan and I were a bit of a mess. We were excited, and unsure, and nervous of course, but mostly it all felt like it was too good to be true. Once we began to tell others of our news things became more real, but we new until we saw the sonogram and heard the heart beat we would be anxious.

Well the day finally came, April 4th. We went into the doctors office anxious about what to expect. 

Would there be more than one baby.... Would it have a heart beat...
Is everything healthy???

The moment we saw the sonogram our hearts leapt with joy.

There it was, our little peanut. 
Then we heard that sweet little heart beat. The one thing that got us so much closer to being out of risk of having a miscarriage.
Of course these are the only two things we were hoping for, so we were absolutely delighted!

Then the sonogram technician said do you see it wiggling?  
Our little peanut was moving! It was waving its little head and hands around. We could even SEE the heart beating! I felt like my heart was going to explode. Here I was terrified of a miscarriage while God is blessing us with such a BEAUTIFUL MIRACLE!

The rest of the appointment went great! The doctor said everything is wonderful, and the baby was even measuring  3 days bigger than expected. Now all we do is wait for the next appointment, and pray. 

At our next appointment I will be 13 almost 14 weeks. We will be beginning the 2nd Trimester, and saying goodbye to the high risk of a miscarriage. I am anxious to reach this point.  Please keep us in your prayers as we continue on this wonderful journey!

Telling the Family

Because we live so far from our parents we wanted to wait until we could tell them in person. This worked out perfectly too, because we just happen to find out the week before my Spring Break.
Although it was extremely difficult to keep the secret I was finally off, and it was time to share the news!

First we would tell Jordan's Parents.
Leading up to telling Jordan's parents we decided we wanted a special way to tell them. We searched and searched for creative ideas, but came up with very little. We finally decided to try making a platter into a chalkboard (thank you Pinterest!), and we wrote the BIG NEWS on it.
On Sunday we headed to Jordan's hometown to spend a couple of days with his parents. We definitely wanted to tell them at the same time, so we thought lunch would be the perfect moment Right!?! Well, we actually made it to their house a little later than expected, so they had already eaten. This meant Jordan's Dad had already started with his handi-work in the yard.
No Problem! We would just eat lunch and act like nothing was going on... (SO DIFFICULT!) and wait until he finally came back in the house. When the moment was finally right we quickly got the platter and headed into the house with our Big Announcement to find Jordan's Dad had disappeared again!
Not being able to wait any longer, we then gave the platter to Jordan's Mom and celebrated the coming of our new bundle of joy!
 Once Jordan's Dad did come in he of course was shown the platter too. We all then talked about how exciting it was going to be to have a new Grandchild in the family!

Then it was time to tell my Mom and Sister.
The original plan was to have lunch on Monday with them, but unfortunately my Dad was suppose to have Heart Surgery on Monday. Instead we planned to meet on Friday, and again the waiting began!
Sunday afternoon after telling Jordan's Parents Jordan and I decided to make a trip to see my dad before the surgery, and lo and behold who was at the hospital?? My Mom!!! Right at that moment our Big News just spewed out of me! As we celebrated family member after family member cycled in and out of the hospital room to visit. This meant they also knew the news... I realized then if I was going to be the FIRST person to tell my Sister I would have to tell her over the phone, so I made that exciting phone call. We chatted for what seemed like forever talking about what to expect, how I had been feeling, and simply how excited we were!

It was so precious to enjoy these moments of telling our families we are expecting a little precious baby! I will never forget their reactions. We are so blessed to have such amazing Parents and families!