Pregnancy Highlights
Looking a little less like weight gain and more like a baby bump.
Almost completely rounded out!
Size of baby: Charlie Kate is the size of a Banana. She is 7 inches from crown to rump and weighs 11 oz!
Total weight gain/loss: Throughout the past 20 weeks/5 months I have lost and regained a total of 5 pounds. So from my original weight I have gained an excess of 3 pounds.... not too bad!
Maternity Clothes: In the past 2 weeks I have come to terms with the fact that I have to say goodbye to all of my non-stretchy/non-maternity pants. Although they still button, they cause me to be miserable because they are soo tight!
Gender: Girl!! We are so excited about our little Charlie Kate!
Movement: Yes! I felt the first 100% movement on June 11 while laying in bed with the hubs. Ever since then it has just gotten stronger and more noticeable. Jordan is very anxious to feel her dancing though.
Movement: Yes! I felt the first 100% movement on June 11 while laying in bed with the hubs. Ever since then it has just gotten stronger and more noticeable. Jordan is very anxious to feel her dancing though.
What I miss: I miss being more in control of my emotions. Here lately I have been on an emotional roller coaster... thanks hormones.
Cravings: Pizza, chocolate, and food! I'm hungry all of the time!
Symptoms: I guess I am just extremely blessed, because I haven't had any real symptoms since the first trimester. I'm feeling great!
Best moment this week: Over the past two weeks we have had several amazing moments! We found out we are having a girl, I felt her move for the first time, and we celebrated Father's day!
We have been so blessed this past month. I would like to announce that I have received a job as the Band Director at Hatley High School. This is such a blessing, and now we get to move home! With that comes the stress of finding a home and finding Jordan a job at home also. We trust though that God will lead us in both of these areas! We know He has big things in store, so we are laying it all in His hands!
Please keep us in your prayers as I begin a new job, Jordan searches for a new job, and we search for a home!
We have been so blessed this past month. I would like to announce that I have received a job as the Band Director at Hatley High School. This is such a blessing, and now we get to move home! With that comes the stress of finding a home and finding Jordan a job at home also. We trust though that God will lead us in both of these areas! We know He has big things in store, so we are laying it all in His hands!
Please keep us in your prayers as I begin a new job, Jordan searches for a new job, and we search for a home!